Miriam's Collection

The Collection for Thicker, Healthier Hair

Organic Products

Birthed from Experience

Serious about your hair? I am too.

I struggled with thinning hair and serious bald patches (DHT/genetics/alopecia). Visits to my GP, blood tests, vitamins, spending extortionate amounts on fancy oils, washing my hair less, washing my hair more - nothing seemed to work. 

Then I discovered the combination of Dermarolling, a heavily diluted Rosemary Oil blend and Rice Water. 

I documented my growth journey using my own products on TikTok. So many people in a similar situation to me took a chance on my products.

Within a few months, I started to receive daily messages, progress pictures and success stories!

Hijabis, women with PCOS, men with male pattern baldness, Trichotillomania sufferers…the products were actually working for them.

The products are heavily researched and backed by science to ensure we can get as many people as possible growing new hair again!

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